Contact Us

Please check-out our new hours!

We enjoy collaborating with people and members we call friends. We value your friendship and appreciate input on the wide variety of questions and issues.

Tim O’Toole

Owner, Legit Flip

A letter to our friends

A review of the discussions we have engaged in with visitors, members and mentors’; I have concluded, a perception of feeling ‘overwhelmed’ because of ‘societal’ pressures which is affecting their daily personal lives.

As a result, effective immediately we are adjusting our ‘Office Hours’ to make ourselves available as needed for the membership.

  • Sunday – 0730 to 1630
  • Tuesday – 0730 to 1630
  • Thursday – 0730 to 1630

Thanks for reading, we value your continued support and patronage on our community and members.


Tim O’Toole

Go ahead check-out some fun information we have sprinkled around our community sites. It’s kind like a scavenger hunt.

WELCOME TO RAPTOR (Real-Time Assessment and Planning Tool for Oregon)

Click link to get my view of Farms near your property

NOTE: Once you visit you can delete your visit at anytime.

As an example see this interactive map of OLCC-licensed marijuana retailers and testing laboratories, including boundaries of cities and counties, including those that prohibit some or all recreational marijuana license types.

Real Estate Professional?, Lender?, Local Business? Contact Tim O’Toole and lets discuss your page;)

We Do not SELL AD SPACE within our community only on our website(s).

Tim O’Toole, Arbiter