Equity Surfer

04th July 24

A special message from the Arbiter of Surf-Connection

From time to time, I would receive the sad news of the passing of a friend, colleague or someone in the extended family, the number of which grows with each passing of each new year.  

This has always weighed on my mind and finally the opportunity to bring back some light on our memorable past in which time and distance seems to dim. 

Time also accentuates losing track and nearly forgetting our family and friends.  Several friends and I have poured hours of time, sweat and tears into this project to make it as seamless and forgiving as possible without using any social media platforms. 

One of our biggest challenges was not using current ‘Social Media’ platforms which are ubiquitous and popular with most of you.  Our thinking is to accentuate; NEXTDOOR, Facebook, Snap Chat, Instagram, ‘X,’ formally Twitter but not replace or compete with those ‘Cloud Based’ platforms.  We do not feel it is necessary because when the grid fails, who ya gonna call?  SOMEONE in your community.     

Welcome to what we believe you, like me, will find hours of value as a community member.   You may want to know more about this worthwhile endeavor as it evolves. - Tim O'Toole

Tim O'Toole - Arbiter


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