We are serious about what we do; developing private, openly exclusive, community ‘spaces’ detached from the plethora ‘Social Media’ Spybots and Internet cloud platform noise.


  • Sharpen your mental focus to safely find others in your ‘Space.’
  • Build your foundation design
  • Create your living space(s) for your community to be able to Populate, Grow and Thrive Organically
  • Control Entry with an Open, Well-Vetted, Arbiter.


You have the “Cloud,” and then you have where you and I actually live, on TERA FIRMA in our respective communities. Like where your family, friends and neighbors reside.  You know, the people you could summon in a pinch, e.g.,

  • “Hey can you pick up the kids?” 
  • “Check on my dog” 
  • “Yo, Adrian, I got a flat tire”
  • “Honey, my battery’s dead”

You know, the life things that happen daily.  These are contacts in your community you already have and would be able to rely on, to go to in, an instance to render assistance.

Now about this social media, “Cloud” we  live in today.  Life without the ‘cloud’ would suck and put a crimp in the enjoyment of the lifestyle you have grown used too.  There’re just so many online assets and resources making life more enjoyable. 

Ahh! But nobody lives in a cloud, right?  

Due to gravity, we all would fall out of the cloud like rain falling on trees in the forest of falling gently upon our fields regenerate life on Earth.  Well if the electricity grid blows, there goes the internet and you’re S.O.L., and not going to be able to get up to the ‘cloud’ to access your social media platforms to yell and summon help.

Now that’s where your friends and neighbors come looking for you. That’s just what we do in a community. When the life things that happens, now, your friends and neighbors in the community will come looking for you.

Lastly, our community, like all of our member communities ‘SHALL’ have;

  • A Transparent
  • Well Publicized
  • Grievance Process
  • An ARBITER to moderate and, if needed, Mediate Grievances.

This will give the best chance at building something special, the first time, by having your Architectural Foundation in place so you can go forth, assemble your tribe, gather your clan privately, under the Social Media Cloud:)

First things first, our commitment to you and your commitment to us is to adhere to our rules of Engagement in building communities.



Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

Most Asked Question of Us

Q: Why community?

A: Life is better living in a community!

So, If you, like me, prefer to gather your clan in private, exclusive, ‘spaces’ detached from media bots and platform noise.  Enjoy sharper mental focus, interact to find others of your ilk and explore the expansion of ‘Space’ in your community. 

  • How does it happen?
  • What do I have to do?
  • What is the process?


Build the foundation to support the ‘created’ living spaces from which the community will thrive and grow naturally.

  • Control entry with an openly, well vetted, Arbiter.
  • Have a transparent, well publicized, process to moderate and if needed mediate grievances.

So go forward and assemble your tribe, gather your clan and get to living again:)

find the peanut

bird dogs in the community

A SHOUT OUT to the Unrepresented Buyers looking for but not finding what they are looking for ?

Looking for others with Intellect?

  • Farm intellectually
  • Trade name
  • Website URL’s
  • Social Media handles
  • Goodwill and faith based

Legit Brand with branding and logos

An established brand started in southern Josephine county in 2017. Ohana Canna comes totally turn-key complete with branding, social media, sales funnel, dispensary relationships plus the goodwill within the Cave Junction community…

‘The “Star” atop the Emerald Triangle’

NOTE: Ohana Canna’s Hawai’ian translation means ‘the Family Flower.’

Examples of community’s

Beautiful Southern Oregon

morel of mushroom farms

Farms nestled in southern county area of Josephine County. Just 7.5 miles north of the California Border as a crow flys!

So jump-in the water’s GREAT!

  • Interested in exploring what you can imagine for your clan or group of friends?
  • We are wired to serve you and do not compete
  • We all have taken a vow, like an (Oath) of secrecy
  • We do not take sides but we don’t tolerate do harmful people