Tim O’Toole


I really, really like browsing and searching for stuff and enjoy finding what I’m looking for. But, more often than not I stumble across something I’m not actually looking for but I’ll remember that a friend was looking for the item.

This is what LegitFlip is about, whether its real estate, tires for your car or a news set of silverware.

Excerpt from Admiral McRaven’s University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address 

If you want to change the world…

  1. Start The Day With A Task Completed
  2. Find Someone To Help You Through Life
  3. Respect Everyone
  4. Life Is Not Always Fair Move Forward
  5. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail Often
  6. Take Risks
  7. Face Down The Bullies 
  8. Step Up When Times Are The Toughest  
  9. Lift Up The Downtrodden 
  10. Never Give Up 

Got your Real Estate needs covered?

with summer half way gone, GET YOUrself ‘PLUGGED-IN’ with your Cave junction property professional.

There are only three ways to solve a problem…

  • Start with the problems which need a solution.
  • Treat the problem as if it were your own.
  • Be transparent and reveal your affiliation with any product or service you endorse.

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